Mockspresso v1 -> v2 Translation Guide

This guide is intended to ease the transition from Mockspresso v1 -> v2. We will mainly focus on the kotlin extensions in v1, since java tests are not supported by v2.

This is not a replacement for checking the Api KDocs


While we rarely interacted with the result of in v1, in v2 we build delegated properties from it. Because of this we recommending shortening the name of your val mockspresso. We’ve been using mxo.

-val mockspresso = BuildMockspresso.with().build()
+val mxo = MockspressoBuilder().build() // function and val name both changed

Builder methods

The names methods on the builder have changed slightly…

 val mxo = MockspressoBuilder()
-  .injector(InjectionConfig)
+  .makeRealObjectsWith(RealObjectMaker)
-  .mocker(MockerConfig)
+  .makeFallbackObjectsWith(FallbackObjectMaker)
-  .specialObjectMaker(SpecialObjectMaker)
+  .addDynamicObjectMaker(DynamicObjectMaker)
-  .dependencyOf { Thing() }
+  .dependency { Thing() }
-  .realClassOf<Type>()
+  .realInstance<Type>()
-  .realImplOf<BIND, IMPL>()
+  .realImplementation<BIND, IMPL>()

JUnit4 Rule

Mockspresso1 had junit4 rule support baked in. Mockspresso2 includes junit4 rule support in the plugins-junit4 module instead.

-@get:Rule val mockspresso = BuildMockspresso.with().buildRule()
+@get:Rule val mxo = MockspressoBuilder().build().junitRule()

Delegated Properties

Mockspresso2 replaces annotation processing with delegated properties…

 // define real objects
-@RealObject lateinit var coffeeMaker: CoffeeMaker
+val coffeeMaker: CoffeeMaker by mxo.realInstance()
-@RealObject @QualifierAnnotation lateinit var coffeeMaker: CoffeeMaker
+val coffeeMaker: CoffeeMaker by mxo.realInstance(createAnnotation<QualifierAnnotation>())
-@RealObject(implementation = CoffeeMakerImpl::class) lateinit var coffeeMaker: CoffeeMaker
+val coffeeMaker by mxo.realImplementation<CoffeeMaker, CoffeeMakerImpl>()
 // add mocks (requires one of the mock support modules)
-@Mock lateinit var mockThing: Thing 
+val mockThing: Thing by mxo.mock()
-@Dependency val mockThing: Thing = mock()
+val mockThing: Thing by mxo.mock()

 // add other dependencies
-@Dependency val thing: Thing = Thing()
+val thing: Thing by mxo.dependency { Thing() }
-@Dependency(bindAs = Thing::class) val fakeThing = FakeThing()
+val fakeThing by mxo.fake<Thing, FakeThing> { FakeThing() }

Note: createAnnotation() is part of kotlin-reflect, not mockspresso